Free Image Placeholder

Free Image Placeholder:


Quick and simple image placeholder service. You can create dummy images quickly and easily. Generate awesome colorful placeholders for your web sites and projects.

How To Use Our Placeholders?

Just specify the image size after our URL (×250) and you’ll get a placeholder image.

Basic Usage Placeholder Images
This is the most basic way to use placeholders. Copy the code and modify the size to your liking.

Custom Background Color Placeholder Images
You can use custom background colors with our placeholders, Check out the example code below to learn how to do this.

Custom Text Color Placeholder Images
You can change the color of the placeholder text easily, Check out the example code below to learn how to do this.

Custom Text Placeholder Images
Using custom text in your placeholders is easy as pie! Check out the example code below to learn how to do this.

from Tumblr

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